Throwing Snow - Dragons
This is beauty and perfection in many ways.
Words from Throwing Snow himself "In researching the concept, I was taken on a journey into prehistory, learning how music touches every part of human life and enriches it. Music is a tool for memory, expressing and stirring up emotions, creating societal cohesion, commemorating events, or rewriting them, entering lucid states and for protest, ritual and dance. We use music as a tool for understanding and encoding the world. The modern world is too complex for our Palaeolithic minds to understand, we oversimplify into binaries. Machine Learning is a tool for seeing into complexities hidden to humans. For that reason, I wanted the music to be simple and moving but the visuals to be complex, using new tools. I worked with Matthew Woodham to create videos for all the tracks using 3 different image data sets (micro, macro and satellite) with a machine learning algorithm to make the visual transitions. Each transition is tied to the music by control msgs. The mind tries to recognise objects in these morphing patterns in the same way we try to understand the maelstrom of modern life. It was a pleasure working with Jack Baker creating new breaks for me to chop up. He’s a truly talented drummer and one of the nicest people I could hope to work with. I’ll share the full AV album in the coming weeks but in the meantime, thank you for all your support and I hope the album brings you some joy."