best of 2024

my TOP9 Instagram posts in 2024

It was a terrible year, something happened right at the beginning that should never happen to anyone. It’s true that this is a private matter, but it obviously still affects everything. If we look only at the professional side, two outstanding things dominated the whole year, let’s see the best moments.

🏆 I learned to make 2D animations and my very first work was made for the world’s biggest techno parade, Rave The Planet

🏆 I returned to DJing after a 5-year hiatus

🏆 a few weeks later I played a headlining set for the cutest Hungarian festival, Bánkitó Fesztivál

🏆 an exclusive series of my paintings was selected for and sold in the collection of the coolest design store in Budapest, NOS

🏆 it was really nice to close the year with a Christmas popup art sale with Artibus365

Of course, these are really, really good things and I’m proud of them. I let go of what didn’t work out well, I learned from the mistakes, and I keep what went well.

In the future, I will not withdraw myself from music, I will make at least one mix per month, I will do play gigs I feel like doing, but I will not chase music and I will not sacrifice everything for it. Animations are very important to me, it brings a new direction and possibilities to my visual language, and I also practice video editing because of it.

Even if that I am writing these lines lying in bed and in a cast, but I am very happy that it is over for 2024. The few good things that happened were very good. Let’s look forward and move on! Happy New Year to everyone!


Here are the top tunes of 2024, according to my ears


change (JANUARY mix)
